Life | Zindagi

The Sunshine Blogger Award Comes To The Desi Writer

I have been blogging for a long time. I started off with Blogspot and ended up with WordPress. Never ever did anyone nominate me for the Sunshine Blogger Award. However, things are now different.

I am so glad to share that I have been finally nominated for the Sunshine Blogger Award by Sharmeen from Girl With Scarf blog. I have been following her blog ever since I stumbled across it and I have to say that she writes some kick-ass stuff. Her Thunder Thoughts and the 30-Day Challenge are worth the visit! I would like to take this moment and this space to humbly thank her for nominating me and taking time out to read my pieces. It means so much to see a fellow writer recognizing another up start.

Such A Late Post

I got nominated by Girl With Scarf blog a month back and I just got the time to write about it because I had been hell busy and caught with a lot of happenings. There was this day job stuff going on, then I had some commitments to cater to and I was busy working on my calendar (yes, new posts are in the works and on the way) and…I was busy with my first book! Yup, I am almost done with the first book and will soon be putting it up. Prayers are needed!

Back to The Award

I am so thankful to her that I don’t think I can do justice to her by capturing such an emotion in words. Now that feeling coming from a fellow writer means a lot. I have prayers, love and support for you.

With that, I’ll get down to the award rules and regulations.

– Thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog! (Check!)
– Answer the 11 questions that they asked you. (Below!)
– Nominate 11 new bloggers and ask them your own 11 questions. (Nominated!)
– List the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post.


I would like to Thank Girl With Scarf again for the nomination. Getting nominated for the first time from a fellow writer means a lot to me. Thank you for reading the broken pieces I write. I hope you keep on reading and help me improve! Love <3

You can check her blog our at . As I said, I love reading about her thoughts and learn a lot from them!


How long have you been blogging for?

Ans: I started blogging when I was in A-Levels (Back in 2006). It turned into a passion and is now a profession as well.

Are you satisfied with the kind of response you receive?

Ans: At first, no. I used to write a lot and was basically a poet. My poems did not garner that much support and I was bullied for being a Desi Writer. I turned that bullying into my strenght and came up with my own identity – The Desi Writer. Today, I am satisfied with the support and response I get from my readers. This is only the beginning for me.

Why did you take up blogging?

Ans: I tend to be more towards introversion. I was never comfortable around people and used to run away from gatherings. I still remember the first time I wrote something and the sense of relieve I got from that particular moment was priceless. It was then when I realized that writing is the future for me. I kept on writing. I was introduced to the world of blogging by a friend of mine from Malaysia. I signed up on Blogger and started writing crappy stuff. I was getting some traffic and people were commenting. I was finally able to express my feelings. I was finally able to put actions into my words. So I decided to take up blogging.

What is your ultimate goal, with regards to blogging?

Ans: Quit all the day time jobs and make it my life. I hate the corporate culture. I am not fit for the corporate culture and the confines of organizational politics. My ultimate goal with blogging is to be the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be…FOR MYSELF!

What is your education qualification?

Ans: I don’t pay much attention to what my qualifications are as they don’t do justice to what a human is capable of doing. Anyways, since you asked, I am an MBA in Marketing with CIM Level 4 Qualification from the Chartered Institute of Marketing.

Do you blog full time?

Ans: Not yet! 😉

How many bloggers do you follow?

Ans: I have a bookmark bar of more than 800 bookmarks. All are fellow bloggers. The list is never ending for me.

Do you think blogging these days is becoming obsolete?

Ans: With the advent of Vlogging and Youtube, I believe blogging is a bit on the backseat but far from being obsolete.

Do you think you can contribute to society by the means of your blog?

Ans: Yes. I have garnered much support for some of my posts and I have already worked with some NGO’s as well. Besides that I am in talks with some other NGO’s and societies that working for betterment and will soon be bringng out collaborative work with them. I believe a lot in giving to the society.

What are your top favorite blogs ? (Stick to 5 max, please).

How does it feel to be a blogger?

Ans: Seeing all the love I have been getting from my fellow bloggers lately and from people I know, it feels awesome to be a blogger. That feeling of being nominated by a fellow writer and being loved for what you write – Priceless.


That Girl in High Heels
Something Splediferous
Melanin Squad
Rumis Kitchen
Five Reasons for Everything
Blooming Pen
She’s at one with
Confessions of a Parentless Mother
The Minimalist
Wandering Kamya

All these blogs are from different niches!

My Questions to the Nominated Blogs

1. When did you start writing?
2. How do you feel when you get no readers and comments on your blogs?
3. Does your family know that you blog? Are they supportive?
4. Why did you start off with a blog?
5. What can we find on your desktop?
6. How does your work station look like?
7. How much time does it take for you to write a blog?
8. Are you a full time blogger or a part-time blogger?
9. What motivates you to keep going in times of distress?
10. Do you believe you should limit yourself to a niche when blogging?
11. Share 4 of your favorites quotes that inspire you the most?

I hope I did justice to the nomination. Hope to continue doing what I love doing and sharing the success! Much love and gratitude for this nomination! Now I am going to let this sink in while you all can read and enjoy!

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